
Gil's guest blog

Friends, when I last wrote to you, I was impatiently awaiting the arrival of my bf(f), Gil. Happily, he FINALLY arrived around midnight London time, and we've had a pretty fab time together over the past week. Not-so-happily, our time has come to an end and homeboy is headed back to the mitten tomorrow. But before he departs, I've coerced him into doing a brief guest post on our adventures/his impressions of England/Ox/whatever, I'm falling asleep on my bed while this happens. Without further ado: Mr. Gil Nuñez.

Cheers from England! And thank you, Amanda, for that wonderful introduction. I've had the pleasure of spending a full week here in the former Motherland. It's been full of great times, wonderful visits, and even delicious foods (despite Amanda's warnings and hesitations before I came). For Sunday and Monday, we enjoyed the opportunity to be really touristy, seeing some of the best that London has to offer. We saw London Tower, the Eye, the Aquarium (though not the shark feeding because little kids suck and should probably just be fed to the sharks instead of getting to see them...), Madame Tussaud's, Tower Bridge, the Millennium Bridge, London Bridge (which was not falling down, and is actually quite dull, as we weren't sure we were on it until there was a small sign at the other end). We saw the musical "Billy Elliot" on Monday night as part of my birthday present, and it was awesome. Those little kids have more moves than I could ever hope to get. A fourteen year old ran up a wall and then did a back flip back to the ground before gravity even started to pull him down. Freaking sweet! Our hotel was also pretty cool, as it was next door to a tube stop and allowed for some really convenient transportation.

(Valentine's lunch; Claud at Shakespeare's Globe; Us in front of St. Paul's across the Thames)

(Claud in front of Big Ben; First proper English breakfast; with the sharks at the aquarium)

(w/the Obamas; Practicing the queenly wave; Fingerpainting w/Van Gogh; Creeping w/ Shakespeare)

(Beatles wannabes 1 and 2 at Abbey Road, London)

(Coo coo cachu)

On Tuesday, Amanda brought me back to Oxford so that I could finally meet all of the people and see all of the things she'd been talking about for 4 1/2 months. We found some pretty good foods around town, including a Lebanese restaurant where we just ordered a whole bunch of cold and hot appetizers and then feasted like royalty. It was DELICIOUS! I also gave Amanda the opportunity to be touristy in her adopted hometown, complete with a trip up the Carfax Tower for some awesome views, a double-decker tour bus around Oxford (which noticeably ignored her college), and had high tea at Bill Clinton's old hang-out.

We spent Thursday and Friday in Manchester for a women & politics conference, which was pretty cool with lots of interesting research happening in the field and helping inform Amanda on some of the papers she'll be writing. Our favorite failed VP candidate got a few honorable mentions, making it all the more fun. We enjoyed walking around Manchester and tracking down some delicious/horrible Mexican food, an experience complemented by the Lady Gaga impersonator who sang proudly (albeit terribly) right outside our restaurant because the real deal was in town for a concert. It was a beautiful mix of terrifying with amusing and entertaining. Then we headed back to the hotel, where we ordered another meal's worth of food from room service. Go big or go home. All in all, our short trip was a success.

We made it back to Oxford on Friday night, where we stopped by the Kellogg College Bar to have some drinks with Amanda's friends. By now, I've met just about everyone and have enjoyed the chance to sit around and chat about education, politics, and what balls everyone wants to attend in the upcoming season. Many restaurants, walked miles, and meat-flavored potato chips later, my trip has drawn to a close. I am - of course - sad to go, but I've had a wonderful time seeing Amanda in her new place (which makes it seem more like a scientific observation than a visit) and getting to explore yet another new country. I leave here even more crazy about this girl and anxious to see where our travels take us next.

Signing off,

Gilbert (and Amanda, who is, as advertised, now completely passed out in her bed)

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