
Does this robe make me look more like Batman or Harry Potter? : College night dinner

Friends, I am waiting impatiently for Gil to arrive. He is at present somewhere over northern Quebec before heading out over Iceland and the Atlantic. You know where he (and I) SHOULD be? Already in London for about 7 hours. But due to airline screwups, last night's flight got cancelled and so instead of leaving Chicago yesterday at 10pm, he finally got out of there at 9:30 this morning, which will put him in London around 11:15 tonight. So okay, generally I am really excited about his visit, but seriously, American Airlines, BOO too your incompetence making us lose an entire day in London.

Anyway, I have a bit of spare time and thought I'd do a quick update.
On Thursday we had a college night, which is pretty much just another of many excuses the Kelllogg folks find to don their flowy black robes and drink a lot of wine. As students we get two free ones, though, so far be it from us to turn down a nice dinner instead of crying over our ramen/eating entire packages of cookies alone in our rooms (I can't be the only one who does this...right? right?)

Julia, Shirley, Ellie, Mark (liz's gentleman friend, also visiting from North America. 'tis the season) and Liz

We were excited about the salad but it kind of just tasted like nothing. British avocados are not good (and what passes for guacamole is worse); however, you better believe I attacked that cheese with some gusto.

Julia was also not impressed by the salad.
Also: you can spot our college's president in the background, second guy from the right.

The main course. We have duchesse potatoes; mixed vegetables that everyone had difficult maneuvering onto their plates, usually resulting in wee carrots shooting across the table; and "guinea fowl" that we suspect was actually chicken. The waitress even slipped up and called it that.

Shirley digs into the marge simpson hair-esque potato hive.

And that's all I've got, really.

In a couple hours I'll go meet Gil at Heathrow, and we'll spend tomorrow, Monday and early Tuesday doing touristy things around the city. I smell the makings of the next blog post...and maybe even a guest blogger in the near future.

Happy valentine's day--even to the surly people who hate it so much. It's not so terrible to have a day to gorge yourself on chocolate and tell the people in your life that you love them.

lots of sickening hallmark x's and o's--

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