Because my brain power is limited and it's troublesome to create coherent sentences, here's a bulletpointed account of what I've been up to since tutupalooza 2010 whilst not in the library or in a red bull frenzy.
- Sound of Music Singalong in London. Amazing. So many men dressed as nuns; other people dressed as brown paper packages tied up with strings, girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes, bees that sting...
Below is a rather blurry shot of the costume contest.
- The same weekend was Tortoise Fair 2010 at Corpus Christi college. Who knows why it happens, but it happens, and that tortoise-y glorious truth is good enough for us.
Here you can see the (super posh sounding. I wish you could hear him) host (from corpus. AND he was the corpus tortoise keeper. the race was totally fixed.), as well as some of the human tortoises.
The human tortoises had their own lettuce-eating contest. Please note that the 'tortoise' on the left is clad in a child's bath towel with a green sheet over an umbrella attached to his back.
Aaaaannnnd here comes the Corpus tortoise toward the finish line!
There were even news cameras. Oxonian brits get pretty darn excited about reptile racing.
- A few days later, Kellogg college hosted another international evening, this time with a North American theme. Here you can see our spread-- chips and homemade guac and corona for Mexico, apple pie for the US, and Canadian maple syrup with waffles/ice cream for Canada.
We also listened to really cheesy music from all areas of North America, including all three national anthems.
And got a little silly. Please note that everyone on the couch is clad in on-theme colors.
- Then Givenchy spoke at the Union. We showed up for his words of sartorial wisdom.
- In other news, Julia and I go on neighborhood lilac-foraging adventures. When darkness falls, we creep out of our houses, bags and scissors in hand, and snip away bits of lilac bushes (only the ones hanging into the sidewalks!) from our neighbors yards. They smell lovely, and the adrenaline rush from our completely fabricated cat burgler-esque escapades is good fun.
- Beach party bop at Kellogg! Liz and I were bartenders for part of the night. Neither of us had done it before, but we totally rocked it. Don't we look the part?
That's all I've got. oh! The contents of my flash drive were entirely erased the other day, but fortunately I'd backed up all my files the day before--for the first time ever--on a whim. Thanks, gut instinct, for not keeping me from losing all work from my Master's course.
coming down from the red-bull energy. time to crash.
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