
(sub)mission accomplished

Essays are IN!

Proofread eight MILLION times.

Printed in triplicate.


Put in appropriately labeled envelopes (there's protocol for such things. This is Oxford.), with accompanying declaration that I didn't steal anyone's ideas/work (like anyone would want to claim the nonsense those essays contain)...


I feel ever so slightly triumphant. There remains only the small matter of the 15,000 word dissertation due in 7 weeks that I have yet to start.

But still, today was good. Essays submitted, stopped at an ice cream truck on the way home (there is nothing like an ice cream truck to make you instantly feel 5 year old giddy-happy), and a massive reorganization of my room and purge of stacks of papers. Trinity term, I'm ready for you. Let Palin-palooza 2010 begin.

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