
Events and explorations...

Hello, friends. Updates: Yesterday I finished the bulk of my settling-in shopping with kitchen supplies: pots, pans, dishes, cups, cooking and eating utensils. The things I bought were pretty cheap, but I think they'll suffice for the purposes of one lone grad student.

This is the extent of my kitchen supplies. Dishes...fit for a five year old?

Our shared cookspace. And finally, the dining area.

Last night was our college's coming up dinner. For those unfamiliar with how Oxford works--it's a collegiate University, so it's made up of a collection of a few dozen colleges. Each student is a member of the University/an academic department and then also a college. Though academics are somehow connected through the colleges (I have yet to figure out exactly what that is), one of the primary functions of the colleges is to take care of student life related things--accomodations, social life, pastoral care, etc. So I am a member of Kellogg college, which is made up of only postgraduate students, the majority of whom are international students, and the focus of the college is heavily on nontraditional students, lifelong learning, etc in additional to traditional students and program(me)s. It's affiliated with the Kellogg foundation in the US.

Okay so that's explained...so the college has lots of social functions for us, including the coming-up/welcome dinner last night. We heard from the President, the Junior Dean, the Chancellor (I'm not really sure what her function is?) and the university-wide student welfare counselor, then had a lovely dinner and drinks. I met some very interesting fellow students, as well.

(Some of my housemates, Seung-Min and Shiira before the coming-up dinner)

Over the past few days, I've been exploring the city...day one I doubted whether I'd ever properly navigate its winding streets, but I think I've got down at least a few paths from my house to the city centre and then around the city centre and back, so that's not too bad for five days in.
Today I went to the University Parks, which are quite close to my house, and the Pitts Rivers Museum , which deals with natural history-ish things. I'll take you on a photo tour:


A human-sized nest, under construction. When it's finished, people will be able to go in and sit in it and there will be a journal for people to write their reflections. Weird but kind of awesome.

A view to the outside.... ....and the gates out.

There are lots more photos, which you can check out on facebook if you like.

The next stop after the Parks was the Pitt Rivers Museum.

Here it is from the outside. Sort of an imposing structure, no?

This guy was my fave. He is obviously plotting something.

Wolverine! Looking up... ....and looking down.

Darwin 1. Darwin 2. Dude, are you NAPPING?

With my new BFF, Rupert.

Again, there are lots more photos on facebook.

After wandering about the museum, creeping and taking photos of myself with the exhibits, I headed out for more town exploration, which I'll cover in the next blog entry because that also merits a photo tour.

Having fun, but of course it will be more fun the more traveling 'round buddies I have...come visit!




  1. omg, first comment! mander, i'm working on my night cheese, where are you?

  2. Amanda, you're doing quite an exquisite job with your blog and your photo albums on facebook. I am enjoying going on your travels with you through your posts and pictures. At least until I have the chance to join you in person. Keep up the great work in keeping us posted. We love you and miss you!

  3. 1. creepy bird is plotting the revolution.
    2. your bff is Rupert the fake dino, odd.

    can't wait to visit you and rupert.

  4. Cheeri-o!

    Just wanted to pop by and say that I really enjoy reading your blog. Love your writing style. Pics are great!
