
Cadbury World: a real life Wonkaland

It all started with some fresh avocados.

One night, over a feast of fajitas and homemade guacamole at Julias (it's not easy to find good avocados in Ox, but Julia had found some lovely ones in London and invited us over to celebrate), someone mentioned that Cadbury World, the headquarters of Cadbury chocolate and real life Wonka-esque wonderland, was only about an hour up the road.

Obviously, we had to go.

So last Sunday, Julia, Liz, Ellie and I all piled into Ellie's car and headed north to Birmingham.

The company should really think about hiring these two as their chocolate-showcasing Vanna White types.

They took us on a rather ghostly tour of Cadbury's history...

And gave us delicious free melted chocolate with our choice of mix-ins (if we only knew how much free chocolate lay in store...)

Then it was a bizarre trip back to the Mayan jungle, where European settlers "discovered"(/stole) cacao.

The entire tour of Cadbury was filled with strange but fun things (we may have just enjoyed it because they kept plying us with free chocolate), including interesting artwork:

Then we got in a disneyland-y ride around chocolate bean town...kind of trippy.

And saw a GIANT, 8 stone chocolate egg.

Liz got cast in chocolate--

We were perplexed by Cadbury's sexy bunny...
And Julia modeled the Cadbury robes.

All in all, it was an unfailingly odd, yet equally delightful afternoon. Lots of free chocolate, lots of Willy Wonka comparisons, and above all, lots of laughter and a much needed break from school work. Pure imagination, indeed.

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