
Midweek model/miniature madness

I love me some alliteration.

Last week, classmates Liz, Beth and Whitney and I ventured outside the increasingly small bounds of Oxford on a daytrip to Bourton-on-the-Water, a tiny village in the Cotswolds. We'd heard they have a model village within their village, and since everyone likes a bit of minature fun, we thought we'd use our free day to check it out. It is funny though, becaus apparently there are several model villages throughout Europe, which is sort of the opposite of how we do in the US with things like worlds largest ball of twine, etc.

I don't think this requires excessive narration, so we'll let the pictures and captions take you through it. As ever, full photos and comments on facebook.

Bourton-on-the-water, the "Venice of the Cotswolds"...because they have a river with some bridges.

Pretty river.

Pub food for lunch! Whitney, Liz and Beth are ready to dig in.

My food. I got a shrimp scampi, chips and peas. And a weird little salad-y garnish thing.

Part of the model village.

To be an accurate model, the model village needed a model village within it. And the model within the model needed a model. And the model within the model within the model...until your brain explodes.

Fearsome womonsters.

Big person, little bridge.

Super whitney, leaping rivers in a single bound. We obviously just turned the model village into our playground and stage for a photo shoot.

There was also this museum of miniatures, many of which were pretty pervy and at a kid's eye level. This one is of the old cuckold coming home Scotland to find his missus in bed with another. Who dove under the bed backwards? And with with the bottle of wine.

Creeeepy little dolls in the school yard setting.

it was a pretty straightforward trip. Good, clean (except for the minatures) tiny fun. It left us all jumping for joy:

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